DIY Emergency Candle Heater Using Oil Lamp

This is a new twist on the DIY clay pot candle heater. I have posted a couple of videos about this topic. The reason I have been researching something like this is because having a wood stove is not an option for my household for various reasons. We have a kerosene heater if the power goes out but the kerosene goes bad after a while and would be hard to get in a long term situation. Another reason for having a secondary backup is the prepper's law of threes, always have three ways get the basics when it comes to food, shelter, heat if you live in the colder climates, etc.  I have seen three different set ups using the clay pots turned upside-down over candles. The first was assembling three clay pots together (s,m,l) using a long bolt, washers and bolt, then invert them over a candle using bricks or some kind of fire-proof base. (No video but you can find it easily on youtube).  The results were disappointing. The next method I came across was to use two clay planters over 4 lit tea candles set inside a fireproof pan such as a small roasting pan with 2-3" sides to rest the clay pots on above the candles. This method, you covered the hole of the smaller clay pot using foil but left the hole open on the larger pot so the hot air could escape out the top. This third method uses a oil lamp instead of the candles which is cheaper, burns longer, and seems to put out more heat than the candles. I'm going to use the 2nd method with the two clay pots but with the oil lantern instead of candles. I' ll will give an update on how it worked.

 (videos for method 2 & 3 below)