There are so many different brands of dry
milk…but as far as I know, they are all relatively the same and should
all work for the “recipes” below. Better stock up the next time you’re
at the store!
1. Sour Cream
Simply mix 1/3 c dry milk with 3/4 c. plain yogurt to replace sour cream. This works great for low-fat dips.
If you’re planning to bake with it, add 1 t. cornstarch to stabilize the yogurt.
2. Regular Milk
Whenever a recipe calls for regular milk,
you may instead substitute 1/3 c. of dry milk in with the dry
ingredients and 1 c. water in with the wet ingredients.
3. Evaporated Milk
Mix 1/3 c dry milk with 1/2 c. water. This replaces a small (5 oz) can of evaporated milk.
I never buy evaporated milk any more…I always use this “recipe”.
4. Sweetened Condensed Milk
Mix 1/3 c. dry milk with 1/2 c.
cold water. Microwave until hot and steamy. Then add 1/2 c. sugar. Let
stand in refrigerator for 4 hours. This replaces a 13 oz can.
{I know this seems time consuming, but it does work!}
5. White Sauce
Mix 1/3 c. dry milk, 3 t. melted butter and 3 T. flour to form a paste. Slowly add 1 c. water or milk and whisk until smooth.
You may add onions, cheese, mushrooms, or any other flavorings you like and serve over pasta.
6. Hot Chocolate Mix
Mix one 24 oz box of dry milk with 1 c.
non-dairy creamer, 2 c. powdered sugar, and one 16 oz. container instant
chocolate drink mix and store in a large, tightly sealed container.
More recipes from:
Reconstituting Powdered Milk
To equal this amount of liquid milk
Use this much
Fresh Water
And this much Instant Non-Fat Dry Milk Powder
1/4 cup |
1/4 cup |
1-1/2 tablespoons |
1/3 cup |
1/3 cup |
2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon |
1/2 cup |
1/2 cup |
3 tablespoons |
1 cup |
1 cup |
1/3 cup |
1 quart |
3-3/4 cup |
1-1/3 cups |
2 quarts |
7-2/3 cups |
2 -2/3 cups |
1 gallon |
15-1/2 cups |
5-1/3 cups |
The table above will help you work out the amount of powdered milk
you will need to prepare a specific measurement of liquid milk. Here
are some tips to help the milk turn out as fresh tasting as possible:
- Fill your pitcher or container with half the amount of water you
will be using. Measure in the appropriate amount of dry milk powder.
Stir to dissolve. Fill the pitcher with the balance of the water called
for above. Stir again and chill.
- Use cool water when possible. The powder tends to dissolve more readily in cool water.
- Stir the milk a lot, to dissolve the milk powder. Then let the
milk sit for a little while and stir again. The protein in the milk
powder blends most easily if it gets a chance to stand after mixing.
- Powdered milk may be used immediately after mixing if desired. For
the best flavor chill the milk for at least 4 hours or overnight.
- Store the milk in a refrigerator if you have one. If you don’t,
then wrap the milk in a wet towel. As the water evaporates, the milk
will cool. If you have a root cellar or basement, you may want to keep
the milk there, or even outside in the fall and winter.
- If you store the milk outside be sure that it is protected from
critters who may be thirsty. A box with a large rock on top is
sufficient to keep out most animals.
- If you do not have refrigeration, then only prepare enough milk to
last the day. I prepare it the night before, so it has a chance to
blend and chill overnight. About 2 quarts will be enough to last a
family of 4 for most of the day. If you continually find you have some
left over, then prepare less the next day. If you find yourself running
out, then prepare more.
- Some people add a drop or two of vanilla to their milk to improve
the flavor. Other people add a spoonful or two of sugar for the same
purpose. I don’t use either of these ideas, because we are accustomed
to reconstituted milk, and prefer it plain.
- Pitchers and wide-mouthed jars are the easiest to use for mixing
and storing reconstituted milk. I used to try to use apple juice jars,
but they are difficult to keep clean and awkward to pour the milk powder
into. If you must use a narrow mouthed jar to mix your milk, then use a
funnel. A chop stick or spoon handle is handy for poking down though
the funnel tip when things get clogged up.
Products to Make with Powdered Milk
Sweet Vanilla Milk: Run a little hot water into a
2-quart pitcher. Add 1/4-cup each powdered coffee creamer and sugar.
Stir well to dissolve. Add 1/2-teaspoon vanilla. Fill the pitcher half
full with cold tap water. Add 2-2/3 cups of instant nonfat dry milk
powder. Stir well. Fill the pitcher the rest of the way full. Stir
again. Chill and serve. This milk is more palatable to some folks than
straight reconstituted milk. The powdered coffee creamer gives the
milk a rich fullness, while the sugar and vanilla make it taste sweet
and almost dessert-like. If you must switch to powdered milk, and are
having trouble with the flavor, this recipe can make the transition
easier. For a gallon of milk use: 1/2-cup each powdered coffee cream
& sugar and 1-teaspoon of vanilla flavoring. Add a dash of salt too
if desired. Be sure to dissolve the creamer and sugar in hot tap water
first. They do not dissolve readily in cold water.
A Very Rich Gallon of Milk: Measure 3-1/2 quarts (14
cups) of water into a gallon size pitcher. Add 5-cups of dry milk
powder and a 12-ounce can of undiluted evaporated whole milk. Mix all
together. Chill and serve. This makes about a gallon. It is richer
than plain reconstituted milk. If you must use powdered milk, but
prefer a richer product, this is the recipe for you. Children will
sometimes tolerate it better than straight reconstituted milk,
especially if they are already used to fresh 1% or 2%.
To Mix with Whole Milk: Powdered milk is easily
mixed half-and-half with whole milk. When combined and well chilled,
it’s nearly impossible to tell the difference between fresh milk and
mixed milk. To do this, use an extra, clean milk jug and two 2-quart
sized pitchers. First reconstitute 2 quarts of milk in each of the
pitchers, using the chart above. Then, using a funnel, pour half of the
whole milk into the clean empty milk jug. Using the same funnel, pour
the reconstituted milk from one pitcher into each jug, making a gallon
of mixed milk in each jug. Both empty pitchers then have to be washed,
but they are pretty easy to keep clean. I used to try to reconstitute
the powdered milk in the milk jug, with the whole milk, but it never
worked as well as I’d hoped. Now I find it much easier to reconstitute
the powdered milk in the pitcher first, and then pour the liquid milk
into the jug with the whole milk. Like regular powdered milk, mixed
milk tastes best if well chilled.
Sour Milk: To sour reconstituted milk, just add a
little vinegar to it and stir it up. For instance, if a recipe calls
for 1-cup of sour milk or buttermilk, then measure a tablespoon of
vinegar into a measuring cup. Add reconstituted milk to reach the 1-cup
mark. Stir the milk gently. In a moment or two, it will sour. This
can replace soured milk or buttermilk in baking recipes.
Overnight Buttermilk: To make your own buttermilk,
you have to start off with 1/2-cup of fresh, store-bought buttermilk and
a quart (4-cups) of reconstituted milk. Combine the fresh buttermilk
and reconstituted milk in a pitcher or jar. Mix it really well. Allow
it to stand at room temperature overnight, or for about 8 hours. The
milk will have thickened up and cultured into regular buttermilk.
Refrigerate or chill and use anywhere fresh buttermilk is called for.
Easy Evaporated Milk: To make this you only need dry
milk powder and water. Measure 1-1/3 cups water into a jar or bowl.
Add 1 cup of instant dry milk powder. Stir or shake to combine. This
is the equivalent of a 12-ounce can of evaporated skim milk. To make
evaporated whole milk, you will need to add some fat to replace the milk
fat in whole milk. Do this by preparing evaporated skim milk and then
adding 2-tablespoons of vegetable oil to the milk. Stir it up
vigorously to emulsify the fat with the milk. It will separate on
standing, so mix it really well right before using it. This is best
used in cooking and baking. A spritz of nonstick spray will help the
emulsification process.
Sweetened Condensed Milk:
On the stove, bring to a boil 1/2-cup of water, 1-cup of sugar and
3-tablespoons of margarine or shortening. Add a dash of salt. Stir the
mixture every now and then. When it comes to a full rolling boil,
remove it from the heat. Allow it to cool slightly. Add a cup of
instant dry milk powder. Use a whisk to stir it smooth. A fork or a
spoon will not work out all the lumps. You really need a whisk, or egg
beaters. There, you are done. This is the equivalent of a can of
sweetened condensed milk. This will keep unrefrigerated for a day or
two because of the sugar. I have never kept it longer than that without
refrigeration. In the fridge it will keep for 2 weeks. For longer
storage than that, I freeze it.
Quick Whipped Topping:
This recipe is best made if you have electricity. Put 1/2-cup of water
into a large bowl and place it in your freezer. Whenice crystals form
around the edges remove it from the freezer. Add 1/2-cup instant dry
milk powder. Whip the mixture with electric beaters until it is light
and fluffy. This will take a couple of minutes. Add 2-tablespoons
sugar, 1-teaspoon of lemon juice, and 1/2-teaspoon of vanilla. Beat
until thick enough to spoon like whipped topping. Use immediately.
Molasses Milk: High in iron, with a caramel-toffee
flavor this hot beverage is quite delicious. Heat 3/4-cup of
reconstituted milk in a cup in the microwave. Stir in a spoonful of
molasses. Serve hot. My kids love this stuff.
Chocolate Milk: Fill a cup with reconstituted milk.
Squeeze in a couple spoonfuls of homemade Chocolate Syrup. Stir to
combine. Serve to thirsty children who object to plain reconstituted
powdered milk. Cold chocolate milk can be heated in the microwave for
hot chocolate. This is also great in lunch boxes. If you want to be
really nice to the kids then make up a whole gallon of reconstituted
chocolate milk at a time. They will brag to their friends and your
reputation will become legendary.
Homemade Yogurt:
Reconstitute a quart of milk in a very clean container like a wide
mouthed canning jar. Add another 1/2-cup of milk powder for body. Whisk
in 1/4-cup of commercial yogurt with active cultures. Read the label
to be sure the yogurt has active cultures. Stash the milk in a warm
spot, between 80° and 110°. Allow it to sit undisturbed for 6 to 8
hours. It should be thick and creamy, like commercially available
yogurt. Chill your yogurt and use anywhere you would regular yogurt.
It makes a great substitute for sour cream. Or mix it half and half
with prepared mayonnaise for your own homemade low-fat mayo.
Yogurt Cheese:
Line a colander with a clean, damp piece of cloth. Pour prepared
yogurt into the cloth. Allow the yogurt to drain overnight. In the
morning the remaining solids will be yogurt cheese. They can be used
anywhere you would use cream cheese or thick sour cream.
Curds & Whey: In
a large pot combine 6-cups of fresh water and 3-cups of dry milk
powder. Stir to dissolve. Heat the milk over a medium flame until it
is very warm, about 120°. This is hot to the touch, but not scalding.
Stir in 1/2-cup of plain white vinegar. Allow to stand for 10 minutes.
There should be a large mass of curds in an amber pool of whey. If the
liquid is still milky, add another 1/4-cup of vinegar. Stir and stand
again for 10 minutes. Line a strainer with a clean cloth and drain off
the whey. It can be used as the liquid in bread or muffins or biscuits.
Rinse the curds under cool water and store in the fridge. This recipe
makes about 1-1/2 to 2-cups of curds.
Ricotta or Cottage Cheese: The dry cheese curds from
the above recipe will work for ricotta cheese in most recipes. To turn
it into cottage cheese add a little evaporated milk or yogurt to
“cream” it and stir to combine. You can divide the mixture in half and
make some of each if you want to give them both a try.