I was surfing Pinterest the other day came across this photo (you see lots of this type of stuff because Halloween is coming up) and I immediately remembered a comment somebody made a while back about purposely including a Halloween Makeup
Then I saw the photo and read how they did this: “…cut out a few circles from bubble wrap. Stick double sided tape to the back of them. Stick ‘em to your hands and face. Use a bit of face paint or makeup to make them pus coloured and finally a little red lipstick blended around the edges to create inflamed skin.”
Granted, the idea was for Halloween and I can’t imagine it would pass any real scrutiny but if you can make it look passable at a distance then it might be worth a shot. Add in a pale facial appearance, a nice hacking cough, and plenty of dirt and you might get away with it. Of course, I don’t have any creative skills whatsoever so my warts would probably look obviously wrong.
Anyway, the thought was that you don’t just want to make yourself look like you’re sick, you want to make yourself look like you have a nasty communicable disease and that’s why I thought some nice puss-filled boils like this is just perfect. I can’t think of much else that people wouldn’t want to touch and, therefore, would be more likely to leave you alone.
Original Article:
Add a biohazard sign to your front door to keep predators away.