If you don't have a fresh water source from a well, have a way to purify water, or a good amount of stored drinkable water, you could be in life-threatening trouble very quickly. The average person can go only 3-5 days without water, less in hotter climates. According to the Department of Defense and the Office of Civil Defense, it's recommended that a gallon of water per day per person be stored for food preparation and drinking. A gallon provides added comfort and accommodates increased fluid needs at higher altitudes or warm climates. An additional one-half to 1 gallon per day is recommended for bathing and hygiene, and to wash dishes. Disease and infections become a serious risk when sanitation is compromised.
Unfortunately water is heavy and bulky but it is more important than food so find a cool, dark place such as the basement to store some water. It's recommended that every household have at least 3 days worth as a bare minimum. Here are some items that can literally save your life and the life of your family. Don't wait until an unexpected crises happens when it's too late.
Aquamira Frontier Emergency Water Filter System
LifeStraw Personal Water Filter
Potable Aqua Water Treatment Tablets
Katadyn Vario Multi Flow Water Microfilter
SteriPEN Traveler 3-in-1 Water Purifier, Blue
waterBOB Emergency Drinking Water Storage (100 Gallons)
British Berkefeld® Gravity Water Filter with four 7" Super SterasylTM Ceramic Water Filter Elements
50-gallon Collapsible Rain Barrel